About Angela’s Bakery

First just a little bite about Angela’s Bakery. We are located in the beautiful town of Quincy California. Angela’s Bakery opened in 2013 with a goal to create delicious custom baked goods. Our passion is to provide the most flavor-filled, baked from scratch products for our friends in Plumas County. We are a BY APPOINTMENT only bakery. Our bakery is NOT a retail location. Please use the contact form to make an appointment or place an order. We aim for perfection, safety, and delicious in all that we create.
Our Schedule
Please fill out a contact form and let’s get your date on the calendar because the bakery schedule fills up fast. The sooner you book your order the better chance you have of getting on our schedule. Please allow 48 hours for small orders and 1 week of notice for large events.
Angela’s Bakery Kitchen
Everything on the menu is made and baked in our fully certified home kitchen. This is made possible under the California Cottage Food Act. Our kitchen is custom designed to bake for you! Over the years we have acquired the tools necessary to bake for larger events.
Event changes in 2022
Since March of 2020, our events became smaller and more personal. Wedding cakes for example were smaller but they are beautiful and show the style of the wedding. For our customer’s peace of mind, we offer individually packaging for cupcakes and cookies. Please let us know when you order if individual packaging is what you prefer. It is truly a delight to create beautiful and delicious wedding cakes. Everyday should be celebrated with beautiful deserts. As the 2022 wedding and event season is in full swing we are seeing caution and larger attendance. Our commitment to safety of the product we deliver remains unchanged. Anything we can do to add to your peace of mind.
About the Baker…
Meet the Baker, Angela Sandlin. She is the oldest in a family of 6 kids. A farm girl from a small family-run dairy farm in Northern Utah, just outside of Logan. This farm girl helped milk small herd of dairy cows, tend a large garden, and participated in raising 4-H animals like turkeys, sheep, and rabbits. Life was filled with milking, taking care of animals, canning food for the winter, and hauling hay. The family garden, grandparent’s orchard and animals grown on the farm provided a lot of the family’s food for the winter. Baking from scratch was just part of growing up in a big family. Angela has 6 kids of her own and has lived in the beautiful town of Quincy California since 2008.
When Baking became interesting
Angela’s interest in baking came from her mom and an early 80’s version of a Betty Crocker cookbook. Angela started baking at 8 years old. In the beginning she made muffins for the family for breakfast and then graduated to more complicated items as she got older. Angela won a 1st place trophy in a 4-H Dairy Foods contest, for swiss cheese bread, when she was thirteen years old. A contestant in the Cache Valley 4-H Dairy darling program twice and never winning but super eager to talk about her knowledge of Dairy Farming and Dairy products.
After living her adult life in several locations across the United States she fell in love with Quincy California and in 2008, as a single mom with five kids, Angela moved to Quincy. By 2012 Angela had remarried and added to the family. With six children ranging in age from newborn to age 17 and a wonderful supportive husband. it was time to make some changes were needed to improve her availability to her family. This is where the idea of baking out of her home kitchen was born and just in time for the state of California to pass the Cottage Food Act.
The start
Angela had rolled around the idea of baking from her home kitchen for a few years. In 2013 the timing was right for this idea to grow into a reality. With her husband and children’s support, she quit her job as a teller at a local bank to start Angela’s Baker Way Bakery. By April of 2013, Angela combined her background in marketing, business, and baking skills to create great-tasting products for Angela’s Baker Way Bakery. The menu consisted of Cinnamon Rolls, different varieties of gourmet brownies, dinner rolls, and cookies. As customers have made requests, the menu has grown. In 2015 Angela added cakes and cupcakes.
The move
In the spring of 2016, the family moved from the home on Jackson Street to a home on Main Street in East Quincy. This home just happens to have a brand new kitchen. The kitchen was designed by Angela and perfect for baking a lot more product. Thus making a home baking business much easier to run. So then it was time for a bit of rebranding.
Angela’s Baker Way Baker is a bit of a tongue twister for some. The business is no longer located on Baker Way so with the removal of “Baker Way” Angela’s Bakery is officially the name of the bakery. In all the excitement, new items like PIE and french bread were added to the menu.

Towards the end of 2019 and the Hot Chocolate Bomb trend had taken over our kitchen and our holidays. With the support of her husband and family Angela started the Baking and Pastry program at Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts. She graduated March 30th of 2021 with a Diploma in Professional Pastry Arts. On September 28th of 2021 she completed an Associate of Occupational Studies in Professional Pastry Arts. Studying under some very accomplished chefs and artists was both an honor and a dream come true. All of this was accomplished while Covid 19 was rolling around the globe and many food establishments were closing permanently.
Hobbies and Volunteer work and Awards
Angela loves to garden with flowers being her favorite produce and chickens come in at a close second. The “little” flock in the back yard has grown with a few ducks added for variety. She volunteered her time at American Valley Speedway from 2011 to 2019. Angela continues to help her oldest daughter as a Cheer Coach for Quincy High School 2016- present. She volunteers through her church as a Sunday school teacher, activity coordinator, and chorister.
Angela’s has donated to numerous fundraising events and different sporting events her children are involved in. The bakery has provided donations to different programs and clubs at Quincy High School and other community events.
Angela’s Bakery has participated in Plumas Art’s Taste of Plumas event for the past 6 years Winning the Peoples Choice Award for best display in 2018 and Honorable Mention in Desserts serving Banana Bread pudding soaked in Caribbean Rum Sauce.
” A lot of love goes into everything I make. Thank you for your orders and friendship.” Angela